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Roy Keane Heated Disagreement With Micah Richards

Roy Keane

Roy Keane in the sport of soccer in Europe is still a big name for his soccer analysis, punditry and some times heated moments with his fellow pundits.

One of those moments came again this week in the Premier League.

Speaking on a soccer panel in the Sky Sports Studios the following went down as Keane said to Micah Richards:

“It is like we are making out that they did something extraordinary Listen Arsenal done well but City were really poor. No movement, no under laps, no over laps. So it was more poor play from Man City than Arsenal’s brilliant defending.”

He went on:

“That’s the easiest part of football! If you give anyone a coaching topic to defend they will do it.”

Richards said:

“Man City can dissect anyone at anytime. You have to stay concentrated for the full 90 mins.”

The two were rivals on the pitch with Keane having played for Man United (under Alex Ferguson) and Richards played for Man City and this carried over again in their retirement punditry careers this week.

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