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The Present and Immediate Future of Sport and AI

The Present And Immediate Future Of Sport And Ai

Right now in the very present and in 2025 big things are ahead for AI in all of sport, not just professional sport.

The technology keeps gaining pace no matter what naysayers say and particularly research and proven hard evidence now shows it works in music, entertainment and sports specifically, and precisely.

Right now in the present ESPN have lead the way with using AI-assisted game reports, roundups, match facts as well as new humor in their social media play by play analysis in NFL for example with the recent ‘The Simpsons’ characters in the game play-by-plays (and some previews).

When it assists human content and the main oversight is used by humans and people, there is a growing huge market for AI in sports, that much is very clear now.

Ultimately the content and media must resonate, be unique and be what searchers or users from any platform, social media, website, audio or video platform — are looking for.

Evolution does not exist creation does and this is a creative space that is changing daily, set by the one and only, the main man of course, God almighty.

Alas, AI will never replace God and it needs to be only used for the good in sport, and anywhere else, and the proper control mechanisms must always be in place so no one can ever think they can play God.

AI has a great place in sport, sports media and worldwide sport all in all, right now it is doing great things but 2025 is the big one.

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