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Tiger Woods Finally Reveals Why He Wears Red On Sundays

Tiger Woods Finally Reveals Why He Wears Red On Sundays

Woods always wears a red colored shirt on Sundays of golf tournaments and is associated with a serious side to the sport and golf legend.

There is method to it though, as to a lot of things in Woods’ career and life.

Recently Tiger Woods will speaking to Jimmy Fallon touched on a number of subjects including the above:

“-It’s always good to see you,
buddy. Come on.
How you doing? Everything good?
-I’m good.
-You’re looking good, pal.
I want to look at
this picture here.
This is you and your son,
playing at the PNC Championship.
-And your daughter, too, Sam.
-Yeah, Sam was caddying for me,
and she had —
Well, we had the greatest time.
These two were, like,
nibbling each other
and needling each other.
I’m just trying to keep going,
having fun.
But they’re, like —
-They’re brother and sister.
-They’re brother and sister.
They’re not gonna listen to
one another.
-Yeah. Of course. Yeah.
-It was awesome.
-Do you remember when we were
at — We were together.
I think we were
at a charity thing
for one of your charity events,
and we were sitting
on a golf cart together
and we’re going through
this thing.
And I just had my
first daughter, and you’re like,
“How’s your –“
-That was a good story, yeah.
-You go, “How’s your baby?”
Yeah. You go,
“How’s your daughter?”
I go, “She’s great.”
I go, “Tiger, let me show you a
video of my daughter.”
And you go, “Okay.”
And I’m one of those dads
that can’t find the video.
You know those annoying —
So, I’m, like,
looking through the thing, and
you’re sitting there patiently.
You’re like…
So, I go, “How’s your son,
by the way?”, as I’m looking.
And you go, “He’s great.”
I think he was 3 or 2
or something at the time.
He was a baby.
-Yeah, he was still in diapers.
-He was in diapers.
And you go, “Let me show
you a video of my son
while you’re looking for
a picture of your daughter.”
And you showed me a video
of Charlie,
and he’s wearing diapers,
and he has one of those —
-Chuckits? Yeah.
-A Chuckit.
You know the thing
you throw balls for dogs
with a tennis ball?
Like, a Chuckit?
So, the baby walks up.
Charlie. He’s holding
the Chuckit thing.
He goes up to this tennis ball
with the Chuckit
and goes and hits this
He’s a baby.
He’s a baby in diapers.
And I go, “
Well, I found my video.”
You go, “What are you –“
I go, “This is my daughter
sucking on a lemon
for the first time.
I thought that would be funny.”
Just two dads being dads.
-We’re being dads.
We’re having fun, right?
-Yeah, we were having fun.
How was the Masters?
-It was awesome.
No, it was awesome.
-It was?
-Just to be back playing again.
-About 26. 24 in a row, yeah.
-Oh my, God, buddy.
-Yeah, not too bad.
-Yeah, not too shabby.
Do you still get the energy
when you get there,
like, the feeling
of Augusta, and you go —
-Yeah, I do,
and it’s nothing else like it.
I’ve been playing there since
I was a teenager.
So there’s nothing
like driving down Magnolia Lane
and seeing that
and just seeing the topography,
just —
and then the history of it.
-There was a picture of you.
I think it was the last day
that you were playing.
And it went viral
on the Internet.
I don’t know if you saw this.
It’s you shaking hands
with a tree.
[ Laughter, applause ]
What was this?
And do you remember this?
-Well, it was — Yes, I do.
It’s the great Verne Lundquist.
And he was there and he’s…
It’s the best picture
I’ve ever seen.
I love this so much.
It went all over the Internet.
I don’t know if you saw these.
-No. What happened?
-There’s a couple memes.
-This one here said…
That’s pretty good.
Just e-mail it to me.
I don’t want to see it.
This one here says…
You know, you go,
“Hey, thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot, tree,
I appreciate it.”
This last one
was my favorite here.
This one finally says…
Yeah. And…
30 minutes later, you’re
shaking hands with a tree.
-That’s awesome.
-Come on.
-Oh, my goodness.
-I also have to ask you
about this thing
that went viral,
because only you can do this.
You out-drove somebody
while swinging your golf club
from your knees.
-I did, and it was because,
you know, I’ve been —
Unfortunately, my legs haven’t
worked as well, you know,
as I’ve gotten older.
I’ve had to learn how to hit a
golf ball of my knees.
-That’s not —
That’s not true at all.
Is this, like, a trick
you knew how to do?
-From a kid.
-Yes. Yes.
-And so someone’s like,
“Let’s have a driving contest.”
And you go —
-Yeah. Yeah.
I had done it before.
If they only knew, like,
what golfers do
for gambling purposes
or entertainment.
This is this is one of them.
-I want everyone
to take a look at this.
Watch this.
-Alright, long-drive contest.
-That’s insane.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-That’s insane.
-It’s good for me.
-Yeah, it’s great for you.
Yeah, you could do the whole
18 with that, man.
Why not, man?
We were talking once.
I asked you
when your first hole in one was,
because I was figuring, well,
you’re probably in high school
or something like that.
And you were like, “No,
I think it was 6 or something.”
Was it?
And it was at putt-putt, right?
-What was it?
-I was 8.
-Alright, sorry.
Sorry. I just lost my —
I won’t be writing the book.
Okay, yeah, sorry. I was off.
I was off two years.
You were 8.
-It was at a par-3 course
in Heartwell.
And it was the 12th hole,
and I hit a 3-wood
over the top of a bunker,
and it rolled in.
-Is that right?
-And you’re just like, then —
[ Cheers and applause ]
I mean,
you’re probably too young —
-I didn’t see it go in
because I was too short.
-Yeah. But you were 8,
so you probably didn’t know,
“Oh, I’m going to be
a professional golfer” then.
-No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-And here you are.
You’re Tiger Woods.
Every time you come on,
you always bring a fun story
or a new thing.
And now you have a new
luxury line, I will say,
I will call it.
It’s gorgeous.
It’s called Sun Day Red.
Look at this.
You’re wearing it right now.
-I am, yeah.
What’s the thing behind this?
Like, how did you get involved
with this?
-Well, it’s about
athletes being first
and designing something
for the athlete
so that we can perform
at a higher level.
And here we are with
Sun Day Red.
-Yeah. And you wanted to do this
because you said, “I want
it to be so comfortable,
I want it to feel
like you’re golfing naked.”
Is that another trick
that you know how to do?
-Actually, no.
That is true. That is true.
But if it helps you,
then, well, so be it.
-Why the name Sun Day Red?
-Uh, maybe because I’ve won
a few tournaments
on Sunday and wearing red.
-Yeah. Why red?
Why? Is that the —
-No, the red story
is actually a good one.
It comes from my mom.
My mom thought it was my being
a Capricorn, whatever.
It was my power color or some
B.S. thing like that.
So I end up wearing red,
end up winning
some junior golf tournaments.
And then, to spite her,
I wore blue.
-And I did not win
those tournaments.
So mama’s always right.
-Yeah, your mom was
always right.
She’s like, “Wear red.
Tiger, I told you.”
-That’s right.
-You’re one of the
most accomplished athletes
of our lifetime,
both on and off the course.
What is the one thing
that you haven’t done yet
that’s still on the list
for Tiger Woods to accomplish?
-Well, you and I have never
gone head-to-head in Ping-Pong.
-[ Laughs ]
No, we haven’t.
We haven’t done Ping-Pong
We’ve done almost
everything else.
-Yeah. We’ve never…
Is that something we could —
-That’s a challenge, right?
-Yeah. 2024?
-Me versus Tiger?
-Alright, done.
-Let’s do it.
-You’re the best, man.
Always good to see you.
Tiger Woods, everybody.
Get your hands on the first-ever
launch of Sun Day Red
right now at midnight.
We’ll be right back
with Benny Blanco.
Stick around. It’s tonight.”

Quite the chat between the two.

A slightly lighter side to Woods who is still coming back from injury well into his 40s.

By next year physically he will be in a good place, if he is technically and mentally sharp, and plays more regularly and not as selectively, there is no reason to say why he cant have success in 2025.

There is no pressure on him at this point.

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